Las fotos de la boda de George Clooney y Amal Alamuddin

Las fotos de la boda de George Clooney y Amal Alamuddin

Las dos revistas más importantes de la vida de los famosos tuvieron acceso a la boda más exclusiva de los últimos tiempos: la del galán de Hollywood George Clooney y su novia libanesa, la bellísima Amal Alamuddin.


Las publicaciones que tuvieron acceso a tan exclusivo evento fueron People y Hello!, ambas dedicadas a lo más top del jet set internacional. Sólo la familia más cercana y los compañeros de actuación del «soltero más codiciado» fueron testigos de uno de los casamientos más esperados por las revistas del corazón, que finalmente pudieron ingresar a la íntima celebración.


En su interior, las revistas cuentan detalles de cómo fue la fiesta del hombre de 53 años y su esposa abogada de 36. Alamuddin lució un impecable vestido de Oscar de la Renta, mientras que Clooney llevó su diseñador preferido: Giorgio Armani.


Lo curioso es que ambas revistas publican como «exclusiva mundial» una noticia y fotos que comparten. «25 excluvias, fotos íntimas y todos los detalles románticos», dice en portada People, bajo el título «Nuestro álbum de casamiento». Por su parte, Hello! titula: «En el interior de su romántica boda» y prosigue: «Su vestido, la ceremonia, los amigos famosos, el álbum de fotos completo».

La declaración que compartió a ambas publicaciones es la misma, a ser consultado qué se siente al estar casado: «Se siente muy bien», dijo a las dos revistas que en exclusiva pudieron ingresar a la intimidad del casamiento del año.


Stunning: One of Amal's dress fittings with Oscar de la Renta was captured on camera by Annie Leibovitz for US Vogue and obtained by the New York Post


Making it official: George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin made their marriage official with a 10-minute, 600 euro ceremony in Venice on Monday following a weekend of celebrations


With these rings: While George showed off his wedding band, Amal's huge engagement ring was clearly visible


With these rings: While George showed off his wedding band, Amal's huge engagement ring was clearly visible


Celebration: George and Amal celebrated their wedding over the weekend with a host of celebrity guests but it was more low-key at the civil ceremony as many of their celeb pals jetted out of Italy on Monday


What a carry on: The newlyweds were followed by adoring press and fans, along with police boats


Look at all our fans: George pointed out onlookers to his fiance, who looked positively regal in her hat


Hollywood's newest It couple: The Clooney Alamuddin's officially married in Venice on Monday after a weekend of celebrations


Utter joy: The pair couldn't have looked any happier as they celebrated their marriage one more time following their civil ceremony


Utter joy: The pair couldn't have looked any happier as they celebrated their marriage one more time following their civil ceremony


Tradition: Amal has been wearing her wedding band on her left hand with her engagement ring on her right as is tradition in parts of Europe


Blushing Bride: Human rights barrister Amal Alamuddin whizzed away from City Hall following their civil ceremony on Monday in Venice


Glorious times: George looked perfectly content as he and his wife sped away to start their new life together although that didn't stop him pulling some funny faces


Glorious times: George looked perfectly content as he and his wife sped away to start their new life together although that didn't stop him pulling some funny faces


What a production: George and Amal took off in a boat called Amore as their wedding festivities finally came to an end


Joyous: It's been a magical weekend for George and Amal, whose whirlwind courtship culminated in a wedding on Saturday


Gracious: The happy couple have put on a show for fans all weekend and happily smiled and waved each time they have appeared in public


Oh happy day: Actor George and human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin waved from a boat as they left after a civil weeding ceremony at the town hall in Venice, Italy


Crowd pleasers: The happy couple posed for pictures as they passed other boats in Venice following their civil ceremony on Monday


Introducing Mr and Mrs Clooney: George Clooney and his beautiful bride Amal Alamuddin left the Aman Canal Grande in Venice on Sunday after their Saturday nuptials, sporting huge smiles


A cunning plan: TMZ claims George enabled punters to take photos with a specially made camera, which he could monitor


Genius! All images that were taken on the approved cameras were routed to a database that George's people could access, therefore if any photos were then touted to the media, George would immediately be able to track down the perpetrator


They do! Although the pair were swamped by adoring fans cheering on from the shore, it appeared nothing else mattered as they stared lovingly at each other


An elegant entrance: Even when she was climbing into the speedboat, Amal managed to stay composed and step in with style



 Fuente: Infobae

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